The NDP realize many of the issues that affect todays minorities and want a change. Many people with a mental illness end up in poverty. In fact, 52% of homeless people were diagnosed with a mental health problem ( Lighstone, 2010). I believe that they become homeless because they have difficulty finding a job due to their mental illness and being stigmatized. Many of the vulnerable groups, such as the First Nations need the assistance to attain a better a job ( Layton, 2010). The NDP of Manitoba recognizes that poverty is an issue and there is evidence that they have made improvements such as; increasing minimum wage to 50% more since 1999, mothers living in poverty has declined from 67% since 2000, which means that Manitoba now has the lowest poverty rate for single parents, Manitoba has the second lowest college tuition fees, and overall Manitoba now has the second lowest poverty rate in Canada( New Democratic Party of Manitoba, 2009).
How does this affect people with mental illness? Often people living in poverty suffer from a mental illness and cannot afford proper education but with reduced tuition fees, more bursaries, more scholarships and 4000 more apprenticeships spots available ( New Democratic Party of Manitoba, 2009) it makes it much easier for the disadvantaged to receive education.
The NDP have made much progress in addressing the needs of the disabled by issuing “ Full Citizenship: A Manitoba Provincial strategy on Disability” in 2001. This has several factors in addressing the disabled but the main components are; The improvement of income programs, enhancing disability supports, improving employment opportunities, addressing issues concerning Aboriginal people with disabilities and increasing access to government policy development processes, facilities and programs ( The New Democratic Party of Manitoba, 2009). The fact that the NDP wants to improve the lives and provide services for the disabled is a very positive change, compared to the view of neo- conservatives who believe that people should provide for themselves ( Mullaly, 2007).
Overall, a social democratic government would most likely meet everyone’s needs by providing different types of resources. Social democracy believes in equality of condition, which is to narrow the gap between rich and poor, so that everyone can have a good life ( Mullaly, 2007). I believe that social democracy has the overall best intentions and would have the most positive effect on society. In my opinion, no one should have to live in poverty and should have the chance at being able to live a good life!
Melanie. F
I agree with you that a social democratic government would be the most beneficial because of their belief in equality of condition. Everyone SHOULD have access to resources no matter the status, race, gender, etc. I liked that you mentioned statistics because it definitely made me realize what was happening. Also, I tried searching for the poverty rate statistics for Canada and could not find it, do you believe that we have the second lowest poverty rate because we don't have a lot of people in Manitoba?
ReplyDelete- Kristal
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ReplyDeleteI agree with you when it comes to the new democratic party and the fact that they don't want to leave anyone behind. I also agree that the poor people need a better wage, but I think that while many people want jobs and want to be able to provide for themselves and their families others just want an easy way out and don't have the motivation to work.
ReplyDelete-Brettany G.
Good post! I think that the NDP party is definitely aimed in the right direction at reducing poverty. However, there is still a long way to go, as the party is still operating within a capitalist system where the emphasis remains on profit and competition. I think we must always be aware of what this can reduce people to- their worth based only on their market value. With a social democracy perspective, the collective well being comes first, and I think to reduce poverty we really need to make that collective good a priority.
ReplyDelete-Erin Roche
I totally agree that society is much better off with a social democratic party. I think the goals of social democracy has good intentions for everyone in society. I think it is important for all members of society to receive social services regardless of their personal situations. Great post!
ReplyDeleteAlexis B.
I am in total agreement! NDP all the way. I volunteered with the union UFCW Health and Safety at my former workplace and got to see first hand how NDP policies affect the health and well-being of workers. Generally you are much more protected as a worker when their is a social democrat government, so they get my vote!
ReplyDeleteDavid H.