multicolored people

multicolored people

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Mental Health and Social Policy

            Neo-conservatisms believe that “Individuals have a responsibility to look after themselves”; however when it comes to individuals who have disabilities they may not have the ability to take care of themselves on their own. The government views “government intervention as government interference”. This means that the government doesn’t feel like they should be getting involved in the ways that they are. “The limitations of human reason, and the consequent need for traditions, Institutions, symbols, and prejudices.” For example they provide care homes and institutions for people with disabilities, but they feel it is not their place to do so.
            The Neo-Conservatism government also “views poverty as an economic problem but as culturally determined through values, behaviours, attitudes, and a lack of ambition transmitted across generations.” In addition to that Neo-Conservatism believes “Poverty is a good thing as it teaches discipline and provides incentive.” These two statements are not fair because they assume that every individual has the power to provide for themselves. Individuals who have some form of a disability may not be able to work depending on how their disability affects them, while others may have a difficult finding someone to hire them, do to their disability.
           Equality is a main goal in society, however even the government doesn't view people as equal. There is "a natural heirachy of persons, characterized the morally superior as the wiser, the more expert, and the more opulent, and the morally inferior as the weaker, the less knowing, and the less provided with the goods of fortune." Individuals are suppose to be viewed as 'equal' yet there are still so many differences in each person that causes others to view them as unequal. It is not fair to categorize individuals as being equal and then create different situations where people are treated unequally.
          The Neo-Conservatism government feels like they should not be getting involved with individuals because they should be caring for themselves, but it is very difficult to do when there are so many obsticles that disabled individuals have to over come. Since they are viewed as "equal" they have the same responisbilites as other individuals do, however they may have a hard time being treated as equal by others.

- Brettany G.

1 comment:

  1. I think you show a good grasp of these aspects of neoconservative ideology that you have applied to people with disabilities. Welcome to the world of blogging!
