"Neo- Conservatism holds that people should provide themselves by exercising their individual freedoms and choices in the competitive marketplace; Even if people become ill and cannot look after themselves, the judgement is often that they should have made arrangements to cover such contingencies". (Mullaly pg. 83)
The world around us is critically analyized be many different means of people. Ideologies have shaped different societies in the world. However, can these ideologies permit certain problems and implications?
As a Canadian government under a neoconservatism holt, do problems exist for a person who suffers with Mental Health Issues?
"Twenty years ago it was generally accepted that one in six Canadians would suffer from a significant mental illness in their lifetimes; 10 years ago it was one in five; today we're creeping up on one in four and wondering how long until it's one in three."
A neoconservatism world in Canada is causing implications for ones who suffer with Mental Health Illnesses.
On May 5, 2009 NDP critiques Nova Scotia Conservative Party's performance on Mental health issues.
The piece of literary work significantly points out some of the implications that the Canadian Conservative Government has lacked in order to full-fill the Nova Scotia-ins. (Which was to provide mental health services to the public and school systems to help reduce mental illnesses).
" The Conservative government has had almost 10 years to fix the problems in mental health for children, teens and adults, and they have failed". - NDP critics
The following quote mentioned above explains the Neo-conservatisms view of social change, which states in "Mullaly" that it should be a gradual process rather than a revolutionary process. Perhaps a Conservatism government is causing these social difficulties in Nova Scotia's Mental Health Societies.
However, the Conservatism government states that many people did not reach for the necessary programs when giving the chance.
Referring to "Mullaly" once again:
"Individuals have responsibility to look after themselves" - Mullaly pg.79
Do Canadian's need to start reversing these thoughts by paying closer attention to the issues and impacts of a society? Is a Conservative government really that bad? Is Neo-conservatism to: what some would call old school?
According to the Canadian Mental Health Association:
"Canadians need to start trying to reverse these trends by paying closer attention to the issues and impacts."
However, what may we take from this piece of literary work?
Neo-conservatism's human nature is isolated & selfish
Neo-conservatism's society is known for "no society, only individuals"
Neo-conservatism's social justice "individuals have responsibility to look after themselves"
Neo-conservatism's social change is gradual and not revolutionary
"Individuals are either morally superior or inferior"-Mullaly
Kayla Leonardo.
Kayla, I'm glad you launched into the blogosphere with this inaugural post! I look forward to seeing your thinking develop over the semester.