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multicolored people

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Mental Illness and Workplace Stigma

According to Mullaly (2007) “Neo- conservatism holds that people should provide for themselves by exercising their individual freedoms and choices in the competitive marketplace. In other words, everyone should provide for his or her needs through work, savings, and the acquisition of property” (p.83).  Stigma in the workplace has made it rather difficult for people with mental disabilities to provide for themselves.
It is rather difficult for people with mental illness to get a job because many employers in the workplace see them as dangerous, unfit or incapable of being productive. In fact, “unemployment among people with serious mental illness is 80 to 90 percent , yet most people with psychiatric disabilities want to work and can work if programs are put in place. People experiencing mental health problems need access to employee assistance programs and programs like Mental Health Works that help workplaces accommodate workers who are living with mental illness” (Steve Lurie, Globe and Mail 2008).

“Depression carries a cruel stigma in the workplace”,says Bill Wilkerson, CEO of the Global Business and Economic Roundtable on Addiction and Mental Health. A way to help reduce this stigma is through the help of the government. We need the government to become a model and to change employers views in respect to mental health” (Globe and Mail, June 24, 2008). 
Since every mental illness and every person with a mental illness is not the same, I wonder what the perspective of a neo- conservatism is on mental illness. Do they see a mental illness, such as depression as a disabled person ( deserving poor) or do they see it as their own fault for being depressed? If they do see certain mental illnesses, such as depression is of something that they created of their own in a neo- conservatism government, I believe that stigma would stay within the workplace. The reason i believe so is because according to Mullaly (2007) a neo- conservative says that it is that persons fault that they became ill and they should of had a plan and that the family should take care of them. This sort of government would than enable other employers and all of society to keep this stigma within society.
The truth is we all need to throw away this stigma that people with a mental illness are dangerous by changing our attitudes and by doing so I believe it will be a much easier for people with mental illness to live and work in our society.

*Melanie. F*


  1. There are some interesting ideas in this post. You have identified that a neoconservative ideology results in two things: stigma and a lack of employment supports. Both these factors make it very hard for a person with a mental illness to be employed. And there is a catch-22 here, because that same neocon ideology then blames the person for not providing for themselves. Good analysis.

  2. I really enjoyed your insight into the workplace stigma that is attached to people with a mental illness. I agree with many of your ideas.

    It is sad that there is such a stigma attached to those who are struggling with a mental disability. They are not all the deserving poor and each one of them has had a struggle in their life leading up to where they are today. Some may have lived with the disability their entire life and others have acquired it along the way. Either way, I feel that there is no reason for others to treat them as if they are deserving.

    As i read your entry, I was reminded of a service that is provided in my home community for those who have similar needs and need support or assistance. This government program allows them a place to work each and everyday, and a group home for them to go home to. At work each day they are still able to engage with those around them as well as feel needed in the community. This facility provides support not only for the individual but as well as for the family. The family is able to set them up and be there for them as much as they need or want but also gives the family time to carry on their own life without feeling as if they shouldn't. This facility has helped communities around Manitoba as well.

    Dana W

  3. It was a amazing experience to visit this website and read the articles and contents.
    Mental Health
